Our Product & Service

Tax Ride

Customers and drivers’ satisfaction is the key to the company, thus the choice of drivers and cars to be incorporated into the business is crucial. The car should be able to take at least three passengers at a time and the upper limit is six seaters for taxi, and between seven (7) and twenty-four (24) for car hire.



Cargo Haulage

The company will provide two types of cargo transport long and short haul. The long haul will come at later stage thus the promoters will start with short distance cargo that is cargo that originate and terminate within the same city or township. The cargo service will enable haulier to request truck based on the size of cargo to be transported and get estimated cost of transporting to the point of delivery. The cargo will include industrial products, hardware, groceries, food items, household relocation, construction materials etc.


Food Delivery services

The company is also planning to provide food delivery to the different customers in the regions of operations. This service will involve the operators of restaurants and other food vendors to subscribe and upload menu of their food products to enable customers choose and pay for food and delivery cost. The service is expected to start in all regions and expected to pick in Dar es salaam Zanzibar and Arusha.

For the sake of security, the to be food delivered will be placed special purse with electronic lock and the open codes automatically passed to the customer and will open the purse upon delivery.

Car Hiring and Tour services


Car hiring services is another innovative product the company will come up with. The product will allow several customers to individually or jointly hire a car for a private business or going the same direction (route sharing). The cost for the route is the same hence traveller share the cost. Car hiring services is expected to be used mostly in the tourist, regional routes and organized events.


Corporate Taxi services

The company is expecting to provide corporate taxi services to companies and organisation whereby its staffs and designated users will be able to request the Lets go services get a ride and pay later. The system will bill the traveling person for confirmation and after confirmation will directly be transferred to the client. The bill will be settled at the end of the agreed time period. The service is expected to reach most of the corporation and government agencies in the region of operations.